SHW Group gives a “behind the scenes” look at CANstruction

November 12, 2010 § Leave a comment

By Emily Potts

The annual CANstruction event raises awareness for the Capital Area Food Bank and nourishes hungry central Texans. Ten teams, led by local architects, engineers and builders will have just eight hours to build their sculptures at Barton Creek Square Mall on Saturday, Nov. 13. Judging takes place at 4:30 p.m. and will be followed by an award ceremony at 6 p.m. during which the winners will be announced.

We at SHW Group are looking forward to this weekend’s CANstruction build!  A team of design professionals from our Austin office have been working with Austin students from Citizen Schools to show there’s more to architecture than just buildings.

Our SHW Group team, together with the students, will build a “Canucopia of Sweet Taste” sculpture made entirely out of canned foods. Students will work in small groups on the day of the build to construct the sculpture and serve as docents to any interested passersby.

The sculpture will be a large cornucopia bursting with a holiday dessert of berry pie and milk.  The amazing Citizen Schools students developed the clever idea for the pie and milk inside of the cornucopia. The sculpture will use almost 1,500 cans, all of which were donated from area sponsors and ourselves.

At SHW Group we strive to design schools that positively impact how students learn. During this project we were able to extend that philosophy through our volunteer efforts with the

Capital Area Food Bank. At the close of the CANstruction exhibition, all of the food used in the structures will be donated to the Food Bank to nourish hungry central Texans.

We hope you’ll come out to support our team and others as we “Can-struct” to fight hunger!

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